Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Nightly Question 5-11-11 d

Is chapter 24 in the right place or not? Explain. Quoting commentators is extra credit!


  1. Yes the ceremony should be after everything and all the laws are established. The midrash says they said "Naase vinishma" was before they received the torah but like MANY other midrashim this may be false.

  2. I believe so. Chapter 24 fits better as a closing ceremony, as opposed to a preparation. There are already plenty of preparations made in chapter 19 and after the laws and 10 commandments, it is a test to see whether or not the children of Israel are ready to take on the challenge, once they know what the challenge is. Just like the Rambam said, there is a reason to the order of the Torah and it makes total sense to have it there, unlike Rashi's אין מוקדם ומאוחר בתורה. Chapter 24 is certainly in the right place.

  3. I firmly believe that Chapter 24 is indeed in the correct place. The bnei yisrael just got through with saying NAASE VNISHMA before the ten commandments were given and now they are having a closing ceremony to celebrate all which has gone down including the ten commandments. As Dylan said, Rambam says there is order in the torah and this is a perfect example of that.

  4. This is a little bit late, but I must side with Ramban, Ibn Ezra, and Rashbam and understand that these events took place after Israel had received the Ten Commandments. The facts are simple and it seems illogical to maintain that the Torah is out of order.
