Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Little Nerve

Shalom. I would first like to address the new, nice, nifty, gnarly, nightly question (which people may never do): I prefer the Netziv's theme explanation, due to the fact that it is a combination of Bereishit and Shemot. In his commentary, he discusses each Sefer and describes their specific purpose or theme. It is a great general, overall interpretation, which fits snugly with the entire Pentateuch.
I would also like to express my concern about the quiz tomorrow. In all honesty, I am not entirely sure what to expect on it: Multiple choice/Fill in the Blank/Short Answer/ et cetera. For all I know, the first question of the test may be to quote the Az Yashir (though I know Rabbi Lubetski isn't that cruel - check out my profile). I'm simply worried about my grades, as always, and I'm certain others are worried about the quiz as well.
Happy Trails,


  1. quiz is short answer. basic knowledge such as what did bnei yisrael do after splitting of sea.

  2. I did very much enjoy your profile. It seems like you are a very big fan of this rabbi lubetski. i'm sure he finds it very flattering and if you happened to be in his class, he would probably give you extra points on a quiz or test.

  3. Great to know!! The quiz was not too difficult, and I am ready to see what grade I received.
