Monday, January 31, 2011

That's a lot of years

I have a question. I understand the many reasons why the Bnei were enslaved, but i don't understand why we were enslaved for hundreds of years. Any answers?


  1. To develop the skill of patience. It's a virtue. It takes time and experience to become the MKVK.
    - Rav Tzvi Shimon

  2. If Rav Tzvi Shimon had a cellphone, I would call him immediately and tell him he is wrong. Patience may be a virtue, but its a worthless one. Hashem should have given us a virtue as a default to our nation instead of punishing us to teach is this so called virtue.

  3. Sometimes a process takes years. Take yourself - do you develop patience or senstivity or religion in a matter of days or does it take a process - sometimes of many years?
