Today's class was very interesting. We went over, straight from the smart board, the pasukim when Moshe talks to Pharaoh and therefore Pharaoh makes all of the Jews work a lot harder and the Jews get very mad at Moshe. I feel that today in class I learned a lot that I didn't know before and I feel that it was a good class overall.
I concur. Also, Rabbi Lubetski, I found a new virtual presentation. It's called a museum box and you can literally make a museum-like display in minutes. See for more details. I'm always on the look-out for more potential projects.
ReplyDeleteI also agree. Technology has really developed over the past years, and now we can use the ssmartboard to learn instead of all of us needing to remember to bring a chumash to class every day. Technology is really cool.
ReplyDeleteI agree it is very interesting how we are learning one of the oldest books in the world using such modern technology, but Rabbi Lubetski if you would not mind slowing down on the amount of projects you assign us that would be great.
ReplyDeleteThe technology of every website that Rabbi Lubetski finds is simply amazing. I agree with everything everyone else has said, and want to add that today, Rabbi's passuk-by-passuk analyzation really helped me to get a better understanding of the whole scenario in general.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed story time today as well. I like relaxing and just learning without having to keep up with some annoying worksheet the whole time. Very fun class today, looking forward to many more
ReplyDeleteDylan - thanks for finding me new tech ideas. I appreciate it. If anyone else has other ideas I would love to learn from them. I showed this website to one of our teachers a few weeks ago. I have yet to decide how to use it.
ReplyDeleteJake - I'm glad that you had a better understanding of the perek when I did my analysis (not analyzation). Please note that you reviewing it first helps you understand it better when I review it again.