Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Quiz for Friday March 11

Please note that we are going to the beginning of Shemot now so the quiz is on parashat Shemot! (should be fairly straightforward considering we learned it)


  1. I enjoyed the concept of learning the parsha of the week for the quizzes. It helped me stay alert at shul and understand the parshas that I wouldn't have otherwise understood. Perhaps we may be better off learning Vayikra. Although learning Shemot will help us review for any test we will have in the far (very far) future.

  2. I enjoy it as well, although I suggest you make a review for this one as well; I just have a feeling that if you do not, something will most likely go wrong on our quizzes, and I can assure you that if that happens, we won't be too happy, Rabbi.

  3. does the class as a whole want me to quiz on the weekly parsha rather than shemot?

  4. If their will be review sheets then yes. If not it would be better for us to take the Shemot quizzes because we know the material better, but i do think it will benefit us more to learn about Vayikra too because we are already doing Sefer Shemot in class and we have already had quizzes on it.

    Rabbi, by the way, i like the new blog background.

    Isaac "Brazilian elephant corn chips" Graber
