Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Renaissance

Remember the good old days when we all posted on the blog daily? Let's try to bring those back. In regards to class, on behalf of Yaakov K. and Isaac G., I look forward to our presentation about the development of Moshe's self-confidence. I cannot wait until we show how such a major figure literally underwent a coming-of-age-like transformation! Additionally, I thoroughly enjoy our "pre-class" discussions with Rabbi Lubetski. I would also like to mention how this class has really honed my skills in working with a chavruta, or partner. Not only do I develop relationships with peers, but I also learn the material in a more efficient manner.
Happy Trails,


  1. Ya, what happened to our daily posts. I happen to dislike the fact we are mostly working with partners and not being taught by Rabbi Lubetski.

  2. I enjoy the fact that we learn in Chavruta however it would also be very helpful if we reviewed as a class also, which we have been doing for the most part. Finally, back to the Blog!

  3. Very nice! i'm glad you are restarting.
